Thursday, January 24, 2019

Orange Donald's The Wall

Perhaps we should be grateful for the current government shutoff for it will help bring Trump down. Democrats are winning this standoff. It is another example of Trump's incompetence and of how out of touch with reality he is. He still has no idea how Washington works. To play with the metaphor, all in all it is "just another brick in the wall." It will be nice to see him brought down either via an election in 2020 or an impeachment. This nonsense will be a big part of his undoing.

We already have a border wall covering parts of our southern border. The US border with Mexico is 1,954 miles in which 580 miles are covered either by a border wall or fencing. From the east, the fencing starts in Brownsville, Texas (on the Gulf of Mexico) and ends in San Diego, California where it juts out into the Pacific Ocean surf. It has some obvious gaps along the way which are monitored by cameras, sensors and other surveillance equipment. From Brownsville to Del Rio, Texas is border fencing (about 300 miles) and then it stops because the Rio Grande River is too marshy or there are mountains. The Rio Grande is no longer the border after El Paso, since it comes southeast down from the Rockies and it no longer runs west to east. There are about 400 miles without fencing in between Del Rio and El Paso. Is this the spot where Trump wants to put his wall?  Why? Are Central American families trudging through the mud of the Rio Grande or climbing over the mountains of Big Bend National Park? This is nonsense.

Vehicle barriers are in highly populated areas. Vehicles once drove over the border importing drugs. The barrier was built in the 1990's and has barbed wire around it to prevent people from going through the cracks. This is what the vehicle barrier looks like:

The fencing looks awful lot like a wall to me so whether this is a a wall or just fencing seems to be a moot point:

The conclusion I get from looking at the maps and photos is that our government is shut down so that our president can pay for a $5 billion wall in marshy, mountainous or desert areas that are already impassable. A concrete wall from San Diego to Brownsville is not only a bad idea to help solve our immigration problem, it would be a disaster for the environment. Access to the river is the only water supply for miles. Putting up a barrier simply kill the wildlife.

For a video tour of the border check out this link from USA Today. Click on the arrows on the map from right to left (east to west) for the video tour via helicopter. This is very educational. The closest I've ever been to the Mexican border is a brief visit to the Padre Islands so I am totally clueless about this area of the country.

Illegal immigration is not a big problem. Undocumented workers usually become model citizens and commit less crimes (on average) than people who were born here. There may be a few that are "rapists and murderers" like our President says, but for the most part, they are good people, running away from horrendous conditions, looking for a place to live peacefully and away from the violence of their homeland. If you are concerned about violence, perhaps we should deport more citizens because, on average, we commit more crime, violent or otherwise.

Trump has not made a logical case for expanding the existing wall which would be very expensive, time consuming and seemingly impossible/impractical in some areas. It is obvious why he hasn't made the case because there is no logical case for it. It is mere fear mongering, jingoism and dog-whistle racism. His own party controlled both houses of Congress for the first two years of his administration. If they thought it was a good idea they would have approved the funding, but they kept telling him to wait, kicking the can to the Democrats. Now that the Democrats control the House, he wants to play chicken with every one's lives. Our food supply is susceptible to tampering because the FDA is diminished, we are less safe because the TSA is diminished, the guards at our Federal prisons are working double shifts without pay, our National Parks are being trashed and our Federal employees are in dire straits with no idea when their next pay check is coming.  Trump, once again, is a national embarrassment.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Picks of the Year: 2018

Two dates hang over us separated by a hyphen. Our year of birth and our year of death. It is on the hyphen is where all the fun happens. Congratulations to everyone reading this. The date after the hyphen will at least be 2019, hopefully much higher.

2018 was a pretty shitty year in regards to history. The stock market has been a roller coaster ride, our president has been as bad as ever, school shootings are still plentiful and our environmental problems are escalating, but it is was still a pretty good year for me and my immediate family.

In March, we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and had a group of friends and family over for a bonfire. In October, we took a trip to Boston to see the Red Sox play the first playoff game of the season and they not only won the game we attended, but they won the World Series, fourth time in the 21st century.

We lost our electricity for three days in November and we are currently without a fridge (for two weeks now). A new one is delivered on Thursday morning. 

Favorite Trip:
We had our first tropical vacation this year with a week in the Dominican Republic. A resort vacations are not our style, but it was incredibly relaxing. I'm not sure if I will ever go to resort again, but I enjoyed it. Staying one place during a vacation and not exploring isn't exactly what I am used to nor to my liking. 

We also had road trips to Kansas City to see the Red Sox with a stop in Chicago to see my wife's family and the Cubs. We went to Clearwater, Florida for a week with visits to Virginia and Baltimore to see friends. I had a business trip to Vegas which I hate and we went into Boston to see the Sox a couple of times. 

Best New Podcast:

I discovered a handful of new pod casts this year: 

  • Retropod - a short history podcast by Washington Post
  • The Indicator by Planet Money - a short economic podcast where they dissect a number                                                      from the economy
  • This Song - a radio station out of Austin TX, KUTX, talks to musicians about a song that                                                     inspired them. 
  • By the Book - these two woman read a self help book and for a month live by it. It is very                                                     funny. 
  • Pod Dylan - One Bob Dylan song is dissected
  • The Great Albums - One great rock album is dissected. 
  • Everything Is Alive - an interview with an inanimate object. 
Everything Is Alive is my favorite new podcast. It is put out by producers of Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. It is hysterical. They usually have comedians playing the objects. They interview a lamppost, a subway seat, a grain of sand, an elevator etc. 

Best Book I read this year:

I read the following books this year:

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nahisi Coates (audio book)
Lamb: The Gospel According to BIff, Christ's Childhood Pal - Christopher Moore
Because They Wanted To - Mary Gaitskill
A Man Called Ove - Fredrik Bachman
Grunt by Mary Roach
The Rising Plague by Brad Spellberg
A Prayer for Owen Meaney by John Irving (reread)
Var the Stick by Piers Anthony
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (currently reading)

I didn't meet my goal of twelve books. Lamb was probably my favorite. Not often does a book make me laugh out loud. His writing reminded me of Tom Robbins. 

Favorite Movie I Saw in a Theater: 

I saw the following movies in the theater this year

Vice, Boy Erased, Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Crazy Rich Asians, Won't You Be My Neighbor, Sorry to Bother You, RBG, Deadpool II, Avengers: Infinity War, The Post and BlackKKlansman. 

The Avengers movie might be my favorite in that I don't think I've ever been as shocked as I was by the ending. Overall, it was not a great year for movies.

Favorite new TV show: 
My wife and I just started rewatching ER from the very beginning on Hulu. We are pleasantly surprised how much the show holds up. We tried to watch St. Elsewhere and it didn't hold up at all. We are on season 2 of ER now and plan on bingeing all the way to the end. Maybe we'll finish by the end of 2019. 

In the meantime, I discovered a lot of new shows in 2018.  

Among them are:  Big Mouth, Star Trek: Discovery, The Marvelous Mrs Maizel, Homecoming, Jack Ryan, The Haunting of Hill House, Goliath, Humans, American Gods, The Rain, Safe, Disenchantment, Bodyguard, Ken Burns' Vietnam, Maniac, The Sinner, The Secret City, Collateral, Lost in Space, Requiem, Seven Seconds, The End of the Fucking World, Philip K Dick's Electric Dreams, Absentia, Victoria and Fleabag. 

Hands down, my favorite is The Marvelous Mrs. Maizel on Amazon. A Jewish housewife in 1950's NYC delves into stand up comedy. It is a treat for fans of comedy, history and drama. Big Mouth on Netflix is probably my second favorite, cringe-worthy, but fantastic comedy.

Favorite Albums:

I bought seven albums/CDs from 2018. I went fairly mellow this year. My favorite has to be John Prine's "The Tree of Forgiveness."  Yes, John Prine is still alive and putting out some of his best music. His lyrics are as witty and poignant as ever. 

Here are the albums:
"Secularia" by Eliza Gilkyson
"Free Yourself Up" by Lake Street Dive
"Everyday Life, Everyday People" by Slightly Stoopid
"The Deconstruction" by Eels
"By the Way, I Forgive You" by Brandi Carlile 
"All the Things That I Did, All the Things I Didn't Do" by Milk Carton Kids
"The Tree of Forgiveness" by John Prine

Favorite Songs:

I have 247 MP3 songs from 2018. Below is a list of some of my favorites. If I have to pick a favorite, which is difficult, I have to pick "Fire Drills" by Dessa. I don't often pick a hip-hop songs as the best but this one is truly great. I might have to go back to 2005 when I last picked a hip-hop song with Mood Ruff's "Rocketship."  

Favorite new songs of the year.
"Bloodless" Andrew Bird
"The Mother" Brandi Carlile
"Under the Wheels" Calexico
"My Old Man" Chuck Auerbach
"Crack the Case" Dawes
"On and On" Dead Horses
"Fire Drills" Dessa
"The Deconstruction" and "Rusty Pipes" The Eels
"Egg & Daughter Nite, Lincoln Nebraska, 1967 (Crazy Bone)" John Prine
"Summer's End" John Prine
"Beverly" Low Cut Connie
"Hey Mama" Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats
"Baby Don't Leave Me Alone With My Thoughts" Lake Street Dive
"Hell-on" Neko Case
"Desire" Ought
"One More Night" Slightly Stoopid
"Choosing Sides" Benjamin Lazar Davis
"Wild" Molly Burch
"Things I Learned" Motel Mirrors
"Glass Jar" Tristen
"Your Dog" Soccer Mommy
"Lay Low" Gretchen Peters

Enjoy 2019. I'll be here.