Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ethnic Cleansing on Hispaniola

When I hear the term ethnic cleansing, I don't think of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. I think of the war in Balkans due to the collapse of Jugoslavia, I think of the genocides in Rwanda, Somalia, Armenia, Cambodia or even, Nazi Germany (way too many off the top of my head). But when I think of the Dominican Replublic, I think of baseball and some of my favorite players, like Pedro Martinez and David Ortiz among many others. Very cheerful and pleasant people! They are not only great athletes, but great citizens of the world and men of character.

But not too long ago, in October 1937, Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo ordered the murder of all the Hatians living in the Dominican Republic. In a five day period, anywhere from 17,000 to 35,000 Hatians were massacred mostly via machete. This event has come to be known as the Parsley Massacre.

Apparently, ethnic hatred is between the two groups of countrymen is common. Dominicans and Haitians share the same island, Hispaniola, but ethnic hatred between the groups is prevalent today.

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