Friday, March 6, 2020

Hindsight 2020: March 2020

The week leading up the Super Tuesday, I planned on voting for Amy Klobuchar with Pete Buttigieg as a backup. I finally remember how to spell their names. They both dropped out just days before. The Democrats learned from the Republicans in 2016. The GOP candidates in 2016 feared that Trump was taking over the election because they were splitting the moderate vote. They dropped out of the race too late. So the Democratic moderates dropped out before Super Tuesday allowing Biden to win 9 of the 13 states. It didn't work for me. I voted for Bernie, but he only won California, Colorado, Utah, and Vermont.

Can we all agree? All of these Democratic candidates would be a much better president than the ass clown that we have in office now. Whoever gets the nomination gets my vote in the general election. I was looking for a moderate that wasn't Joe Biden, but if he gets nominated, I am all in.

I voted for Bernie mostly because I know him and trust him.  He is a Vermont icon that is widely respected throughout the state, but I have concerns about his ability to be elected in the general election. Leftist populist ideas may look good on a bumper sticker but they are losers when it comes to the general election. When people look closely at them, they shudder. Paying for them ... to play with words ... is very taxing. The leftist turn in Democratic politics has been overstated. It looks like Ocasio-Cortez will lose re-election in 2020. Democrats aren't using the Green New Deal and Medicare for All in their television ads ... Republicans are, to scare voters. Our most famous liberals didn't run on liberal platforms. FDR ran on balancing the budget, Kennedy ran on cutting taxes for the rich. Those who ran on liberal policies have lost miserably. How miserably? McGovern-miserably, Mondale-miserably. Maybe Bernie has his base fired up enough but the rest of the party is not and his base hasn't really been showing up at the primaries. This scares me. Young people talk a good game ... but they need to show up to vote.

I am also concerned about the down-ballot. Biden will bring in more party loyal voters who will select Democrats down ballot. The new president will need votes in Congress to reform health care. Since Bernie is really not a Democrat, he may have difficulty on both sides of the aisle. 

Biden looks safer, but I would like to point out that being safe often loses elections.We thought Hillary was safe. I am torn.

I want to thank you all for helping me make my decision. I am unsure if I am going to publish another one of these.

Delegate count
Candidates need 1,991 delegates to get the nomination. If he/she doesn't get this, it goes to the convention which could be quite messy and would probably go Biden.

The count is as follows:
Biden - 664
Sanders - 573
Warren - 64
Bloomberg - 61
Buttgieg - 26
Klobuchar - 7
Gabbard - 2

We have 11 states voting in March and two territories. Of them, Michigan is the largest with 125 delegates.

Dropping Out:
Thank you all for your service.
Michael Bennet

Andrew Yang

Deval Patrick - endorses Biden.

Pete Buttigieg - endorses Biden.

Amy Klobuchar - endorses Biden

Michael Bloomberg endorses Biden.

Tom Steyer - endorses Biden.

Elizabeth Warrenendorses Sanders.

Our Field:
Both candidates are considering stronger security. Biden had protesters jumping on stage with him during his Super Tuesday rally in LA. Today, someone showed up at a Bernie rally with a Nazi flag.

Bernie Sanders: Announced how he is going to pay for everything that he has promised. He plans to tax the wealthy, the fossil fuel industry and cut military spending.

Two Florida Democrats sue Sanders to keep him off the state ballot because he is an independent, not a Democrat.

Joe Biden announces a six figure ad buy. He appeared on Fox New Sunday with Chris Wallace. Biden calls him Mike who was Chris's father.
He issued a plan to fight the opioid crisis.

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